
Launching a new product? Can`t find the right products or services on Marketplazz?
Need expert advice? PackBuddy experts are here for you!

Customize your sustainable packaging and get proposals from the best.
Submit a request for each product you want to get ‘packed’, and let`s get started!

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1. What product categories are you interested in?

Choose from the options below.

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2. What packaging type are you looking for?

Choose from the options below.

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3. What materials are you interested in?

Choose from the options below or skip the question by pressing “next”.

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4. What are your needs with regard to sustainability?

Please choose from the options below (multiple answers possible).

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5. Which policies or regulations must your products comply with? (Multiple answers possible)

Choose from the options below or skip the question by pressing “next”.

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6. Just a couple more details

Please fill the information below. Don`t worry if you`re unsure about something. PackBuddy will reach out with any necessary questions.